

Anna Kim is a communicator passionate about promoting racial equity and social justice. She is grateful to have worked for organizations that have radically expanded her understanding of the need for — and possibility of — a more just future. She has worked on issues including homelessness, health in humanitarian settings, the criminal legal system, the immigration system, and sexual assault on college campuses.

She is currently Chief Strategic Affairs Officer at Community Solutions, a nonprofit that works with more than 100 communities across the country to create a lasting and equitable end to homelessness. The organization was awarded the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change Competition.

Previously, she was Communications Director at The Bronx Defenders, a nationally recognized public defender office in the South Bronx that provides representation across the criminal, immigration, family, and housing legal systems. Prior to that role, she was the Director of Communications and Marketing at Callisto, a nonprofit that develops technology to combat sexual assault, and Senior Health Communications and Advocacy Officer at The International Rescue Committee, where she led communications for the health unit through the 2014-2016 Ebola response.

Editorials that she has written have appeared in The New York Times, Teen Vogue, TIME, CNN, the World Health Organization Bulletin, the Lancet's blog, and the Field Exchange

She has used her passion for creative design to develop award-winning collateral and logos for businesses and universities. Social campaigns that she has advised on and designed have trended at the state and national level.

She holds a M.A. in journalism and international relations from New York University and a B.A. from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.

Anna resides in New York City. In her spare time, she enjoys hand-lettering, running, doting on her two rescue dogs, and rooting for the Tar Heels (and anyone playing Duke).  
