End Rape on Campus

Since 2017, Anna has proudly served as a member of End Rape On Campus's Board of Directors. In addition to providing operational and strategic oversight, she has supported the organization's efforts to amplify the voice of student survivors by advising on campaigns, designing social media and digital content, and helping to write and place op-eds.



In July, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos held listening sessions with survivors, students accused of sexual assault and their parents, and campus attorneys. #DearBetsy elevated the voices of survivors amidst concerns that DeVos was considering rolling back protections for survivors. Anna helped design the social media assets for the campaign, which trended in Washington D.C.

Anna worked with a group of survivors to help write an op-ed, which she placed in Teen Vogue. The piece by 114 survivors of sexual assault was referenced in The Washington Post and TIME. It later led an op-ed by U.S. Senator Bob Casey in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The piece was retweeted more than 2,000 times.



In September, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos delivered a speech indicating that she was considering rescinding the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Anna designed graphics and wrote content for the social toolkit. The Twitter campaign trended nationally.



The Red Zone refers to the period of the year when the majority of sexual assaults occur on college campuses. Anna designed social content for a campaign aimed at empowering students to reclaim this period as one of action.


Centering the Margins

Anna designed the logo and supporting social/digital content for Centering the Margins, an initiative to center the experiences of marginalized survivors. 
